Jeanette & Steen

Jeanette                   Steen

Steen Birkedal
Jeanette Birkedal

Jeanette is 53 years old and the only female in the family

Jeanette is working in Sirius Advokaterne. For nearly 20 years shae has been working for the law firm Gorrissen Fedelspield. Before that she was 5 years with lawyer Henrik Munck, Østergade 55.

In the spare time Jeanette loves running (in the summertime she start out at 6am in the morning - while the boys are a sleep (we still can't believe it). Also she loves reading books, further she spent a lot of times with the boys doing all kind of stuff :-)

As for the rest of the family she loves travelling. We like to go to the south of Europe and we fancy the most Spain (Mallorca)

She also enjoys Australia a lot. We are still in contact to the family (Majek), that Steen were living together with in Manly, Sydney way back in the 90

Jeanette has birthday the 31st of August 1969.



Steen is also 53 years :-)

and has for the last 25 years been working in DNV.

Love tennis, badminton, running, the garden, London, Paris, Mallorca, South of France and everything about Australia.

Can you miss something that has been yours for a looong time and you every week has been nursering around - answer is yes